Join 'The Kentroversy Papers' Mailing List!

Readers of this website can sign up for THE KENTSPIRACY KRONICLES NEWSLETTER by sending an e-mail to me at the address to the immediate right.
by Kentroversy
Those readers who are interested can join 'The Kentroversy Papers' mailing list, by sending an e-mail to me at the e-mail address which appears immediately to the right of this announcement.
Please place in the SUBJECT Line of your e-mail:
Add me to your mailing list!
What information will be sent to you? Well, that is simple. I send out periodic announcements about upcoming interviews I am giving to the radio, podcast, and television media, as well as information about important new research reports I have written.
This newsletter, beginning in January 2008, is to be published monthly, on or about the 20th of the month.
The name of my newsletter is:
NOTE: Your name, e-mail address, or any other identifying data (such as IP addresses) are NEVER shared, lent, or sold to anyone else. In fact, I even send out each announcement as a BLIND CARBON COPY, to protect the privacy of each e-mail address on the mailing list.
This announcement will remain as the TOP POSTING on this website for the time being, to give everyone interested a chance to sign up.
NOTE: Anyone who has an e-mail address from either a YAHOO! MAIL or AOL e-mail account, will have trouble receiving my mailings. I keep getting UNDELIVERABLE MAIL bounce-backs from these particular mail services. So, if it is important to you to receive communications from THE KENTROVERSY PAPERS, please sign-up with an e-mail account OTHER THAN YAHOO! or AOL e-mail accounts.
AOL claims that they are receiving "substantial complaints" about my URL's, which is enough reason for anyone belonging to that ISP to resign, because AOL is a major enemy of FREE SPEECH, and they should be BOYCOTTED because of it.
Besides, do you REALLY still need your Internet with training wheels?!
Recommended e-mail services are HOTMAIL, GMAIL, and .MAC e-mail accounts.
P.S. -- I do not send out confirmation e-mails, but simply enter your name on the list! I hope everyone understands that I do not have that much time to send out confirmation e-mails.
Thank you for your understanding of this matter
© 2007-2008 Kentroversy Papers
All rights reserved. Used with permission.
The following sources were used in the creation of this Kentroversy Paper . . .
Kentroversy Papers Mailing List
The Kentroversy Papers
The Kentroversy Tapes